at SGP 2022
Posted on 2022-06-22
The SGP WiGRAPH event is a networking opportunity for researchers, faculty, and students, inspired by the success of the larger, annual WiGRAPH-organized Berthouzoz Women in Research Lunch that takes place during SIGGRAPH. We will be hosting a panel of women in graphics who will share with us some of their research experience. The event is open to all researchers, regardless of gender.
Post-Event Update
Check out the summary of this panel discussion to get the panel's insights on careers, collaboration, choosing (or abandoning) projects, placing our research in the broader world context, and more!
Event Date: Wednesday, July 6th from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm, CEST
To participate, please register using our Google form. Please note that participation in the 2022 SGP WiGRAPH event also requires SGP registration (free).
The link and password to our virtual chat room will be sent to all registered participants at a later date.

Poster by Leah Kwak
Julie DigneCNRS Researcher
LIRIS, University LyonJulie Digne is a CNRS researcher at LIRIS, University Lyon 1, Lyon, France. She received her master's degree in applied mathematics from ENS Paris-Saclay and her PhD in 2010 from the same institution (for which she received a PhD award from the Fondation Hadamard). In 2018 she defended her Habilitation at University Lyon 1. In 2011 and 2012, she was a post-doc at INRIA Sophia Antipolis in the Geometrica team working with Pierre Alliez and colleagues from Caltech. Her main research interests are geometry processing and shape analysis, mainly when the surfaces are represented as point clouds. These include surface denoising, meshing, scan merging, and surface segmentation, building either from surface PDEs or building point set dedicated machine learning techniques. Her research results are published in leading conferences and journals in computer graphics and applied mathematics. She serves as a member of several international program committees (Siggraph, Siggraph Asia, EG, SGP), and as an associate editor of Computer Graphics Forum and Computers & Graphics. In 2021 she was co-chair of the technical paper program of SGP 2021. More details can be found at her homepage
Alexa SiuResearch Scientist
Adobe ResearchAlexa F. Siu is a Research Scientist at Adobe Research. Alexa conducts research in the areas of human-computer interaction (HCI) and accessibility, and is passionate about creating experiences that are more accessible and inclusive. She completed her PhD at Stanford University where she investigated ways to broaden access to design tools and information visualization for people with disabilities by leveraging multimodal interactions using haptics and sound. She applies findings from co-design and participatory design, as well as perceptual research, to build novel user interfaces that adapt to the abilities people have. Alexa's work has been supported by the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship and Microsoft Research Dissertation Grant. She has also been the recipient of numerous awards including Best Paper Honorable Mentions (CHI ‘20, ASSETS ‘19, W4A ‘ 21) and the Bill Moggridge Design Award.
Caitlin MuellerAssistant Professor
MITCaitlin Mueller is a researcher and educator who works at the creative interface of architecture, structural engineering, and computation. She is currently an Associate Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Department of Architecture and Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, in the Building Technology Program, where she leads the Digital Structures research group. Her work focuses on new computational design and digital fabrication methods for innovative, high-performance buildings and structures that empower a more sustainable and equitable future. Professor Mueller earned a PhD in Building Technology from MIT, a SM in Computation for Design and Optimization from MIT, a MS in Structural Engineering from Stanford University, and a BS in Architecture from MIT. Her research is funded by federal agencies and industry partners, including the National Science Foundation, FEMA, the MIT Tata Center, the Dar Group, Robert McNeel & Associates, and Altair Engineering. In 2021, Mueller was awarded the ACADIA Innovative Research Award of Excellence by the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture. She has recently contributed to the organization of several major conferences in architecture and engineering, including the 2017 Design Modelling Symposium in Paris, the 2017 ACADIA Conference at MIT, the 2018 Symposium of the International Association of Shell and Spatial Structures at MIT (which she chaired), and the 2021 Advances in Architectural Geometry conference in Paris. With her collaborator Renaud Danhaive, she will launch a new MOOC on the MITx Online platform called Creative Machine Learning for Design in late 2021.
Silvia SellánPhD Student
University of Toronto -
Samara RenPhD Student
Adriana SchulzAssistant Professor
University of Washington -
Liane MakaturaPhD Student
Purvi GoelPhD Student
Stanford -
Kate SalesinPhD Student
Dartmouth -
Yuxuan MeiPhD Student
University of Washington -
Deepali AnejaResearch Engineer
Adobe Research -
Olga GutanPhD Student