Berthouzoz Women in Research Lunch
at SIGGRAPH 2023
Posted on 2023-07-18
The Berthouzoz Women in Research Event is an annual networking event organized by WiGRAPH for researchers, faculty, and students. Floraine Berthouzoz started this event as an informal gathering. After her passing in 2015, Floraine’s mentees and colleagues built upon her efforts to create an event that aims to broaden the network of women researchers and provide a friendly and personal environment where graduate students can interact with senior researchers. We will be hosting a panel of women in graphics who will share with us some of their research experiences. The event is open to all researchers, regardless of gender.
Event Date: Wednesday, August 9 from 12:30–2:00 pm PDT. Lunch will be served at 12:30 pm. The panel discussion will begin at 1 pm PDT.
Location: This event will be co-located with SIGGRAPH at the JW Marriott hotel, Diamond Salon 4.
To participate, please register using our RSVP form. Please note that participation in the 2023 Berthouzoz Lunch event also requires SIGGRAPH registration.

Poster by Paige Stampatori
Sanja FidlerAssociate Professor, University of Toronto
Affiliate Faculty, Vector Institute
VP of AI Research, NVIDIASanja Fidler is vice president of AI research at NVIDIA, leading the company’s research lab in Toronto. She is also an associate professor at the University of Toronto and an affiliate faculty member at the Vector Institute, which she co-founded. As co-author of over 130 scientific papers in computer vision, machine learning and natural language processing, she has received the University of Toronto’s Innovation Award and the Connaught New Researcher Award, among other accolades. Fidler completed her Ph.D. in computer science at the University of Ljubljana in Slovenia and a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Toronto.
Orly LibaStaff Research Scientist
GoogleDr. Orly Liba joined Google Research as a Research Scientist in 2018. During this time she worked on projects such as Night Sight, monocular depth, sky enhancement and Magic Eraser, which launched on the Pixel phone and Google Photos. In June 2023, Dr. Liba joined YouTube to work on video generation and stylization. She completed her PhD in Electrical Engineering at Stanford, where her research focused on developing optical and computational tools for Molecular Imaging with Optical Coherence Tomography. Before moving to California, Orly worked and studied in Israel and served in the technological intelligence unit of the IDF.
Lin LuProfessor
Shandong UniversityProf. Dr. Lin Lu is a professor at the School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University (SDU), and a member of the Interdisciplinary Research Center (IRC). She received her Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of Hong Kong in 2011. From 2007 to 2009, she visited the French National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology (INRIA). She received B.Eng. and M.Eng. degrees in the School of Computer Science and Technology at Shandong University in 2002 and 2005, respectively. Her research primarily revolves around computer graphics, with a particular focus on geometric computation in digital fabrication. She has published more than 60 research papers (including one highly cited ESI), one monograph, and more than 40 authorized patents. She served as the program co-chair for conferences such as GMP 2020 and ICVRV 2021.
Sophie JörgProfessor
University of BambergProf. Dr. Sophie Jörg is Professor and Chair of Computer Graphics at the University of Bamberg, Germany. Her lab conducts research in character animation, motion perception, and virtual reality. Before joining the University of Bamberg, she led the Character Animation and Motion Perception research lab at Clemson University. She received her PhD from Trinity College Dublin in 2011 and was a postdoctoral researcher at Carnegie Mellon's Graphics Lab. In 2017, she received the National Science Foundation's CAREER Award. Sophie Joerg's research has been published in leading computer science conferences and journals, such as ACM Transactions on Graphics and IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics.
Samara RenPhD Student
Purvi GoelPhD Student
Stanford -
Adriana SchulzAssistant Professor
University of Washington -
Olga GutanPhD Student
Silvia SellánPhD Student
University of Toronto -
Liane MakaturaPhD Student
Kate SalesinPhD Student
Dartmouth -
Yuxuan MeiPhD Student
University of Washington -
Deepali AnejaResearch Engineer
Adobe Research