Berthouzoz Women in Research Lunch
at SIGGRAPH 2024
Posted on 2024-07-01
The Berthouzoz Women in Research Event is an annual networking event organized by WiGRAPH for researchers, faculty, and students. Floraine Berthouzoz started this event as an informal gathering. After her passing in 2015, Floraine’s mentees and colleagues built upon her efforts to create an event that aims to broaden the network of women researchers and provide a friendly and personal environment where graduate students can interact with senior researchers. We will be hosting a panel of women in graphics who will share with us some of their research experiences. The event is open to all researchers, regardless of gender.
Event Date: Wednesday, July 31st from 12:30–2:00 pm MDT. Lunch will be served at 12:30 pm. The panel discussion will begin at 1 pm.
Location: This event will be co-located with SIGGRAPH at the Hyatt Regency Denver at Colorado Convention Center, Capitol Ballroom.
To participate, please register using our RSVP form. Please note that participation in the 2024 Berthouzoz Lunch event also requires SIGGRAPH registration.

Poster by Yeram Kwak
Alexandra IonAssistant Professor
Carnegie Mellon UniversityAlex directs the Interactive Structures Lab at CMU, which investigates and develops interactive design tools that enable digital fabrication of complex shapes and structures for novice users. Their research and expertise lie at the intersection of human-computer interaction, digital fabrication, metamaterials and computational design. Alex’s research has been published in and awarded by premier HCI venues, has been invited for multiple exhibitions, including a permanent exhibition at the Ars Electronica Center and travelling exhibitions through South America and Germany. Before joining CMU, Alex was a postdoc at ETH Zurich in Switzerland, and a PhD student at the Hasso Plattner Institute in Germany.
Nanxuan (Cherry) ZhaoResearch Scientist
Adobe ResearchNanxuan is a Research Scientist at Adobe Research based in San Jose. Her work lies in the intersection area of Computer Graphics, Computer Vision/Machine Learning, and Human-Computer Interaction. Her research interests mainly focus on data-driven graphic design with minimal data, content generation and manipulation, and self-supervised learning. She is excited to develop algorithms to enable novices to freely design and publish works to top venues, such as SIGGGRAPH, SIGGRAPH Asia, CVPR, ICCV, ICLR, CHI, etc.
Nora WillettResearch Scientist
CLO Virtual FashionNora is a Research Scientist at CLO Virtual Fashion. Previously, she worked at Pixar Animation Studios exploring ways to add 2D stylized elements to the current 3D rendering pipeline. She received her PhD from Princeton University and was advised by Prof. Adam Finkelstein as a part of the Princeton Graphics Group. Her thesis is "Tools for Live 2D Animation" which explores ways to make animation more accessible to novices through novel interfaces and algorithms. During her PhD, She interned once at Autodesk Research and twice at Adobe Research.