
2025 Sponsors

All of our 2025 events have been made possible by the generous support of the following sponsors:

Diamond Sponsors

2024 Sponsors

In 2024, our events have been made possible by the generous support of the following sponsors:

Become a Sponsor

If you love what we're doing and want to support our efforts, we invite you to become a sponsor! Our annual sponsorship levels for 2025 are detailed below. Should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Sponsor Benefits

Acknowledgement (Text only)
Inclusion of company name (plaintext, no logo) on the website and posters for all events. The list will be sorted according to sponsorship tiers.
Contact Information for Recruitment
Access to an opt-in list of students/researchers who wish to be recruited for internships and jobs.
SIGGRAPH Event Promotion
Option to promote the company's co-located SIGGRAPH Event(s) on the Berthouzoz Women in Graphics Lunch webpage.
SIGGRAPH Swag Distribution
Option to distribute swag during the Berthouzoz SIGGRAPH lunch event.
Resumes for Recruitment
Access to an opt-in collection of resumes from participants at each conference-based event who wish to be recruited for internships and jobs.
Acknowledgement (Logo)
Inclusion of company logo on the website and posters for all events. The relative size of the logos will be determined by the sponsorship tier.
Sponsored Spotlight
Invitation to submit one sponsored Spotlight article for publication on our website, provided that it reflects our mission of highlighting female researchers. The company would provide all content (text, images and necessary permissions) and revisions as necessary in order to obtain final approval from our Spotlight Coordinator and the WiGRAPH team.
Undergraduate Outreach
Option to include the company's logo in our undergraduate outreach emails.
Recruiters at Rising Stars
Invitation to send recruiters to the Rising Stars event for 1:1 interaction with student participants.
Social Event at Rising Stars
Opportunity to name one social event during the Rising Stars program.


WiGRAPH also extends our sincere thanks to all the sponsors who have generously supported us over the years – our organization would not be possible without you!

Note: WiGRAPH did not solicit any sponsors during 2020 or 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.